The Spirit of Conservation for Rimba Raya Project

This series is part of the documentation of The Rimba Raya Project (or Rimba Raya), an initiative dedicated to peatland and forest ecosystem restoration in Central Borneo, Indonesia. Responsible for the preservation of over 36,000 hectares of forest and peat swamps along the Seruyan River, they collaborate with hundreds of residents to safeguard everything within its purview from threats posed by forest and land fires, exacerbated by climate crises and illegal burning.

In addition to its protective role, Rimba Raya also creates fresh economic prospects for the local village communities. They ensure a consistent alternative income source for the residents by promoting an organic and sustainable agricultural approach and also play a crucial role in educating the younger generation in local schools, instilling in them the knowledge and awareness needed to manage their environment responsibly. This multi-faceted approach ensures a holistic and sustainable conservation effort.