Welas Asih Boarding School for PeaceGen

Muhammadiyah Boarding School Baitur Rohmah (MBS BR) in Garut was established in 2016, and later, three years hence, it underwent a name change to become Welas Asih Islamic Boarding School. Situated in Garut, the Welas Asih Islamic Boarding School is located in Sukarasa Village, approximately 20 kilometers from the heart of Garut.

“The core objective is to nurture individuals who not only follow Islamic principles but also exhibit compassion for the world at large.

This boarding school distinguishes itself as one of the Islamic boarding schools at the forefront of contemporary Islamic education. It blends traditional Islamic teachings with character education, aspiring to mold compassionate Muslims capable of addressing societal issues. In the tradition of pesantren, students are separated from their families.

They engage in the study of Islamic texts and a host of other activities, starting at 4 in the morning until midnight. They are instilled with a deep appreciation for nature through the concept of an eco-friendly boarding school and permaculture. Additionally, students learn to create personal projects using recyclable materials as part of their holistic education.